Habitat Displaced


foto control room I have been building my latest compositions to be heard both as stereophonic pieces and multichannel sound installations.
In the first case the position and the shifting of sounds in the space is obtained by means of the stereophonic image; in the second case the listening is immersive and the piece of music can be experienced by moving in the space (so that the sonic perspective is mobile and the work is "explored") or standing still (that is to say from a fixed perspective).
I point out that my pieces usually do not present field recordings and therefore the sounds I use are all electronic, even though the source material is concrete; they are constructed by considering the relation among the sounds (which I call sound microforms) and the way they create a sonic space.

When I am invited to do an installation, I consider the characteristics of the piece and compare them with those of the space that will host it. I did the same in the case of Habitat Dislocata. The panels, visible in the photo, work like loudspeakers: I applied electroacoustic exciters to them that conduct the signal of reverberated sounds, which are distributed over the surface of the panels and contribute to giving depth to the space in which they are placed.