

foto rosso "ROSSO" (RED) is an installation commissioned by the League for the Rights and Liberation of Peoples in 1992 for the 500th anniversary celebrations of the conquest of America.
The intuition behind the installation was this: By following a path that slows us down and mentally prepares us, we arrive at a precious place where we can stop and listen, as in a contemplative and reflective parenthesis.
An inclined plane outlined by more than 400 red light bulbs leads to a parallelepiped within which we find a cylinder made of white fabric, which in turn hides the corners of the parallelepiped itself.
Inside the cylinder, an intense red from a 2000 W lamp shining from above changes the colour of the faces present, while the music, produced by four 250 W loudspeakers each placed in a corner of the parallelepiped, wraps around the audience like a band of sound.
“ROSSO" is also a habitat. It gives shape to the desire to create a new place to live in temporarily - and in its contrast with the perceptual stimuli of daily life, it can make us reflect in turn on how we inhabit our everyday reality.

"ROSSO" was made with Dino Ferruzzi.
The photo was taken by Antonio Maniscalco.